Ana Areias

I’m Ana Areias, a Development Economist and Data Scientist.

Controlling my cursor with my fingertip using handtracking with MediaPipe Hands

Today, humans generate exponentially more data than ever before, about behaviors or processes that used to be unmeasurable, in forms that previously would never before have been considered “data.”

I get a thrill from looking at the world through the ultimately very creative lens of a data scientist—what is “data-izable,” or “data-fiable,” that could be mined for new insights about human behavior? How can I combine previously disparate data to generate predictions that will help improve business processes, or even human quality of life?

I love the fact that the job can be a combination of quant-y wizardry, visual communication, great storytelling and business savvy.

I’m currently a data scientist at Kineviz. I work on merging deep learning and graph technologies in GraphXR, our graph data BI and visualization platform, to better understand high dimensional and interconnected data.

Previously I’ve worked on poverty prediction and big data for labor at the World Bank. I’m a Harvard MPA-ID grad and have been a Fellow at Data Incubator and member of DataCorps with DataKind. I’ve also been a Program Manager at Data-Pop Alliance.

When I’m not coding for fun I’m an avid surfer and a struggling billiards player.

Have a look at some projects I’ve worked on with Kineviz:

with the World Bank;

with DataKind;

and for fun:

For more details and contact info check out my Linkedin.